Spencer Porter Customer Reviews


If you value your hard earned money, stay away from this business!! Like many others, you will never see a cent of your money back or be left with a dodgy build! Contact Consumer Affairs Victoria to confirm, I have facts and real life experience. STAY AWAY! KEEP CLEAR! DO NOT ENGAGE! I REPEAT DO NOT ENGAGE.

Nerissa Y — Melbourne, VIC

A horrible life sucking experience

Like the others on this site I placed an order last year with this company and have nothing but utter grief. Nothing but empty promises and no home. At all. STAY AWAY.

John Charles D — South East Queensland

Never got our house!

We purchased a Tiny Home from MyTinyHomeKit for $75,000 over 17 months ago and we still have not received it. They did, however, deliver some of the framing 6 months ago and left it in a field on our property, however nothing else has been delivered.

The owner continually makes excuses and avoids phone calls entirely.

We have submitted a refund request however it has not been successful to date. We have also gone through consumer affairs to no avail, and are currently taking legal proceedings.

We have come to know that this is not an isolated instance. There is a Facebook group formed by customers of MyTinyHomeKit titled “Property Magicians My Tiny Home Kit and Gday Steel Victims” which has over 40 members.

Based on our experience, I would caution anyone thinking of dealing with them.

Monica — NSW

Do not give them any money

If you value your money stay away from this company, I have been waiting 18 months and still no tiny home and the Director seems to have disappeared with over 53 people’s cash, speak to Fair Trading VIC to back this review up.

Maya — New South Wales

Warning Warning this is a [Content Removed]

I purchased and paid the Director of Property Magician and My Tine Home Kit and now G’Day Steel for a Tiny Home back in 19th April 2022, Nearly 2 years ago. He is a lier and [Content Removed] so my advise is to stay away. I have not recived this home to this day and there are many in the same boat.

Lindy U — Melbourne, VIC


DO NOT PURCHASE this company y is a [Content Removed], I purchased a tiny home November 2022 and never received it, I am currently going through NCAT to try and get my money back, there are around 29 other cases with VCAT and SA version. [Name Removed] is a [Content Removed]


Total Scam! Run as far as you can

**UPDATE 09MAY 2024: The Director’s lawyers have advised that they have stopped representing him leaving over 100 people in the lurch. The total amount scammed at this point stands at just over a million dollars with more people coming forward each day. The Director [Name Removed] is essentially become uncontactable**

I never received my tiny home despite making full payments in 2022 and [Name Removed] has made every attempt to get away without refunding me.
There is a reason why there are no reviews online for his company or any of the companies not being listed on Google.

Mel — Mordialloc

Reviews Found on productreview.com.au