Spencer Porter & MyTinyHomeKit Took Large Payments From Customers & Failed to Provide the Purchased Tiny Homes
Consumer Affairs Victoria has launched an investigation for non-supply of goods and failure to pay refunds amounting to over $6 million.

Failure to Deliver
Spencer Porter and MyTinyHomeKit have failed to deliver over 150 tiny homes paid for by customers in advance. Some customers have been waiting 18 months and received nothing.

Refunds Not Paid
Customers have been promised refunds in writing after an investigation by Consumer Affairs. An Enforceable undertaking was made, however the majority have not been paid.

Dozens of Victims
More than 150 people belong to a Facebook group aimed at victims of Spencer Porter and his companies MyTinyHomeKit, G’day Steel and Property Magician.

Spencer Porter
Spencer Porter is the sole director of MyTinyHomeKit and G’day Steel. Dozens of people have fallen for his sales spiel and appear to have lost their money.
The homes they purchased were never delivered and promised refunds never arrived.
Spencer Porter’s company MyTinyHomeKit is now viewed as a scam by over 150 of it’s consumers who never received their tiny homes, nor promised refunds.
After dozens of complaints, Consumer Affairs Victoria launched an ongoing investigation.

A Current Affair Story
ABC 7.30 Report
Spencer Porter News
Read more: The Truth of Spencer Porter, as Told by a Former Employee of MTHK
The Truth of Spencer Porter, as Told by a Former Employee of MTHK
Spencer Porter’s lies, deception and manipulation extended far beyond the scope currently known to the public. Throughout his short time as a self proclaimed entrepreneur, he not only lied to customers, lawyers and Police, but also to consumer affairs, his own staff, and even charities.
Read more: About Spencer Porter
About Spencer Porter
Spencer Porter is an entrepreneur and self proclaimed Hustler who appears to be in reputational crisis. His company MyTinyHomeKit has been branded dishonest by many consumers, with dozens of complaints about MyTinyHomeKit taking large sums of money from hard working people, never delivering the homes and failing to make promised refunds.
Read more: MyTinyHomeKit Owned By Spencer Porter
MyTinyHomeKit Owned By Spencer Porter
Spencer Porter is sole director of MyTinyHomeKit Pty Ltd which manufactures prefabricated Tiny Homes. The company has been branded a scam by many consumers who never received the homes they paid for in advance, nor the promised refunds. After dozens of complaints about MyTinyHomeKit, Consumer Affairs Victoria launched an ongoing investigation.
Read more: MyTinyHomeKit and Spencer Porter Investigated by Consumer Affairs
MyTinyHomeKit and Spencer Porter Investigated by Consumer Affairs
Consumer Affairs Victoria has recieved dozens of complaints regarding Spencer Porter and MyTinyHomeKit Pty Ltd’s failure to supply Tiny Homes that were paid for in advance. Spencer Porter has signed an enforceable undertaking with Consumer Affairs. It is believed that up to 150 consumers have been caught up with payments totally $6million.
Read more: Spencer Porter Prosecuted and Fined for Breach of Building Laws
Spencer Porter Prosecuted and Fined for Breach of Building Laws
Spencer Porter has been fined $4,000 for breaches of South Australia’s building laws. He offered tiny home kits for sale, telling consumers he would organise both council approvals and builders to carry out works. Commissioner for Consumer and Business Services said Spencer Porter made assurances he was neither licensed to do nor capable of offering.
Read more: G’day Steel by Spencer Porter
G’day Steel by Spencer Porter
G’day Steel is Spencer Porters latest company. Spencer Porter also owns MyTinyHomeKit, which took over $6 million in payments from over 150 average Australians and failed to deliver their tiny homes. Spencer Porter is being investigated by Consumer Affairs Victoria and has been prosecuted as an unlicensed builder.
Customer Nightmares
Read more: Spencer Porter Took My Money and Never Delivered My Tiny House
Spencer Porter Took My Money and Never Delivered My Tiny House
In November 2022 I paid over $75,000 in advance to MyTinyHomeKit and Spencer Porter. They never delivered my tiny home. This is a huge loss for me as I had to work for years to save that money. Since then I have been in contact with dozens of other people in the same situation.
Read more: Letter to Spencer Porter
Letter to Spencer Porter
I am writing to you with a heavy heart and a deep sense of betrayal. The $10,878.00 I paid for a tiny home from your company represented more than just a financial transaction it was to be my foster son’s transition to becoming an adult in his own home— it was an investment in a…
Read more: Spencer Porter – From Consumer Fraud to Facebook Scams
Spencer Porter – From Consumer Fraud to Facebook Scams
Spencer Porter. From owing over $6 million to the victims I am in contact with and even more coming forward every day, to Facebook Marketplace scams, where he buys items under the alias of Matt Golly, goes to collect high priced items and shows a payment transfer to the seller that happens to be forward…
Read more: Spencer Porter Destroyed My Plans for a Home of My Own
Spencer Porter Destroyed My Plans for a Home of My Own
My story with Spencer Porter begins in May 2023. I was looking for a tiny home and Spencer reached out to me after an inquiry on the MyTinyHomeKit website. I paid in full, but he never delivered my Tiny Home. The endless false hopes are the worst. He has destroyed my plans for a home…
Read more: Spencer Porter Gave Nothing in Return for My Money
Spencer Porter Gave Nothing in Return for My Money
Initially, I came across an ad by Matt Golly (one of the aliases that Spencer Porter uses) on Facebook marketplace. I went in and met Spencer Porter and his sister Chelsea. They seemed very legit so we went ahead and made full payment for a tiny home. Close to two years later, and several failed…
Read more: Horror Stories From People Scammed by Spencer Porter
Horror Stories From People Scammed by Spencer Porter
Stories from people that have been scammed and cheated by Spencer Porter. The extent of people effected by Porter is vast. He has lied, made false promises and reportedly even scammed his own staff.
Customer Reviews
Reviews on Spencer Porter found on productreview.com.au
DO NOT PURCHASE this company is a [Content Removed], I purchased a tiny home November 2022 and never received it, I am currently going through NCAT to try and get my money back, there are around 29 other cases with VCAT and SA version
If you value your money stay away from this company, I have been waiting 18 months and still no tiny home and the Director seems to have disappeared with over 53 people’s cash, speak to Fair Trading VIC to back this review up.
If you value your hard earned money, stay away from this business!! Like many others, you will never see a cent of your money back or be left with a dodgy build! Contact Consumer Affairs Victoria to confirm, I have facts and real life experience. DO NOT ENGAGE