Spencer Porter. Under investigation by Consumer Affairs

Spencer Porter & MyTinyHomeKit Took Large Payments From Customers & Failed to Provide the Purchased Tiny Homes

Consumer Affairs Victoria has launched an investigation for non-supply of goods and failure to pay refunds amounting to over $6 million.

MyTinyHomeKit failed to deliver homes

Failure to Deliver

Spencer Porter and MyTinyHomeKit have failed to deliver over 150 tiny homes paid for by customers in advance. Some customers have been waiting 18 months and received nothing.

MyTinyHomeKit Refunds not paid

Refunds Not Paid

Customers have been promised refunds in writing after an investigation by Consumer Affairs. An Enforceable undertaking was made, however the majority have not been paid.

MyTinyHomeKit Victims

Dozens of Victims

More than 150 people belong to a Facebook group aimed at victims of Spencer Porter and his companies MyTinyHomeKit, G’day Steel and Property Magician.

Spencer Porter in trouble with Consumer Affairs Victoria

Spencer Porter is the sole director of MyTinyHomeKit and G’day Steel. Dozens of people have fallen for his sales spiel and appear to have lost their money.

The homes they purchased were never delivered and promised refunds never arrived.

Spencer Porter’s company MyTinyHomeKit is now viewed as a scam by over 150 of it’s consumers who never received their tiny homes, nor promised refunds.

After dozens of complaints, Consumer Affairs Victoria launched an ongoing investigation.

MyTinyHomeKit branded a scam by many consumers

A Current Affair Story

ABC 7.30 Report

Spencer Porter News

Customer Nightmares

Customer Reviews

Reviews on Spencer Porter found on productreview.com.au


DO NOT PURCHASE this company is a [Content Removed], I purchased a tiny home November 2022 and never received it, I am currently going through NCAT to try and get my money back, there are around 29 other cases with VCAT and SA version



If you value your money stay away from this company, I have been waiting 18 months and still no tiny home and the Director seems to have disappeared with over 53 people’s cash, speak to Fair Trading VIC to back this review up.



If you value your hard earned money, stay away from this business!! Like many others, you will never see a cent of your money back or be left with a dodgy build! Contact Consumer Affairs Victoria to confirm, I have facts and real life experience. DO NOT ENGAGE