Spencer Porter. Under investigation by Consumer Affairs
Spencer Porter MyTinyHomeKit investigated by watchdog

Spencer Porter – Branded a Scammer by Over 40 Customers

Spencer Porter is owner of MyTinyHomeKit, G’day Steel and Property Magician, based in Melbourne.

Through these companies, he has taken over $1 million from more than 40 customers who now brand him as a scammer. The tiny houses they purchased were never delivered and the refunds he promised were never paid.

While we can’t specifically comment on whether Spencer Porter is a scammer, we have spoken to over 40 people who have paid between $18,000 and $80,000 each for tiny houses through his Melbourne based companies.

These customers were encouraged to pay the full amount in advance and never received their tiny houses. Refunds promised in writing have never arrived.

The people effected are just average Australians, some elderly, and many of whom had to save for years to get the money for their tiny homes. For most, it has had a huge effect on their lives, causing untold financial and emotional stress.

Over 40 people are members of a private Facebook group named “Property Magicians My Tiny Home Kit and Gday Steel Victims“. This group allows them to discuss their feelings and come to terms with their loss.

Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) has received dozens of complaints regarding Spencer Porter and MyTinyHomeKit’s failure to supply Tiny Homes valued between $18,000 and $80,000 that were paid for in advance.

Spencer Porter has signed a strict enforceable undertaking with Consumer Affairs Victoria and is currently being investigated.

Spencer Porter has been fined $4,000 for breaches of South Australia’s building laws.

Porter offered tiny home kits for sale through his companies MyTinyHomeKit and Property Magician, telling consumers he would organise both council approvals and builders to carry out works.

Porter made assurances to customers that he was neither licensed to do nor capable of offering.

  • One article about him on Medianet is titled “Branded a Scammer at 24…
    Read the Story
  • An article on his own website is titled “Is MyTinyHomeKit a Scam?“.
    Read the Story
  • The South Australia Government has a webpage titled “Unlicensed builder fined over tiny home kit spiel
    Read the Story
  • Reviews on Spencer Porter and his companies on productreview.com.au are 100% negative
    Read the Reviews
  • smartpropertyinvestment.com.au published an article “Kit home company under fire for long wait times
    Read the Story
  • His own Twitter page bears a banner stating “Hustler, innovator, entrepreneur“.

You can read a personal account of one person’s dealings with MyTinyHomeKit here.

Spencer Porter investigated by consumer affairs
Spencer Porter. Is MyTinyHomeKit a scam?
Spencer Porter. Branded a Scammer at 24

Spencer Porter has started a number of businesses in his life. Many of these have ultimately closed. He started as a teenager building mobile phone apps, before moving into property with his company Property Magician. He then started selling Tiny Homes.

Both Property Magician and MyTinyHomeKit have had a considerable number of complaints from people who paid between $18,000 and $80,000 and received nothing in return.

Many people we have spoken to claim that after paying the money, they were ignored by Porter until Consumer Affairs Victoria started to investigate. After this, consumers were promised refunds that are yet to arrive.

His three recent companies are:

  • MyTinyHome Pty Ltd (ABN 13 663 997 448)
  • G’Day Steel Pty Ltd (ABN 39 675 744 984)
  • Property Magician Pty Ltd. (ABN 37 639 925 901)
Spencer Porter MyTinyHomeKit

MyTinyHome Pty Ltd

MyTinyHomeKit is based in Melbourne. This is the company which is the subject of most complaints. We have spoken to people who believe that there are up to 90 consumers who have paid good money for a tiny home, only to receive nothing in return. It has been estimated the total value of these sales is around $1.9 million. MyTinyHomeKit has also undertaken to refund many clients however the refunds have never arrived.

Spencer Porter G'Day Steel

G’Day Steel Pty Ltd

G’Day Steel is the latest offering by Spencer Porter. It manufactures steel house framing to your design. This is the same steel framing as manufactured by MyTinyHomeKit. It would appear that Spencer Porter opened this company as a life raft when MyTinyHomeKit started sinking. Consumers should be encouraged make themselves aware of Spencer Porter business practices before purchasing from this or any other company run by Spencer Porter.

Spencer Porter Property Magician

Property Magician Pty Ltd

Initially Property Magician was started as a real estate agency. This changed when he started to manufacture and sell Tiny Home Kits. The company appears to have ceased trading however there are numerous people who purchased a tiny home through Property Magician and never received the home. Spencer porter was prosecuted and fined $4,000 due to Property Magician’s trading practices.

Spencer seems very quick to blow his own trumpet. He constantly tells consumers how much he cares about them and that it is his utmost priority to make sure that their well-being is paramount.

On his own website he claims:

Spencer Porter’s entrepreneurial path is a raw and unvarnished tale of ambition, personal resolve, and the gritty reality of blending family life with the high-stakes world of business. As a father of three, every decision he makes carries the weight of both personal and professional implications.

Spencer Porter

This seems in stark contrast with the trail of devastated lives he has left in his wake.

If you have purchased anything through Spencer Porter of any of his companies, yet not received the goods, you are not alone. Click here to find out what you can do.

More About Spencer Porter